Thursday, March 16, 2017

Next Steps

Off to a slow start with our blogging on Motivation in our Classrooms. We have talked about what we do in our classes to encourage students:  things like demonstrations and videos in Chemistry class; while English class gives special time for 'free writing'. We have read one of our three books, but unfortunately it was more about motivation in business than in education. And last week I participated in a webinar on EdChat by Kevin Brookhouser that was supposed to be about the 20%Project and of the hour discussion, only about 5 minutes or so really discussed the Project. The webinar mentioned a number of other things like problem solving and the type of problem solving we need: algorithmic vs heuristic.He also mentioned Daniel Pink's book, Drive; The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, which is the one we read in our Study Group. It was a good read, but very little that was applicable for us. Next for me is another webinar from this past Tuesday;  "Motivating the Gifted but Reluctant Learner". I'll let you all know how it goes next time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Diana, I found edWeb's webinar "Motivating the Gifted but Reluctant Learner" to be very useful. I thought it applied to many of our students, as well.
